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Grand Jury Subpoena Sergeant At Arms

Grand Jury Subpoena Served to House Sergeant at Arms

Subpoena Linked to Democratic Lawmaker

House Clerk Delivers Notification

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The House Sergeant at Arms has received a grand jury subpoena related to an investigation involving a Democratic lawmaker, sources have confirmed. The subpoena, issued by the Justice Department, requests documents from the office of Sergeant at Arms William McFarland.

House Clerk Cheryl Johnson read a message to House members on Monday announcing the receipt of the subpoena. According to an NBC News report, the subpoena is part of an ongoing investigation into the lawmaker's conduct. However, no details have been officially released.

The subpoena is the latest development in a series of investigations into potential wrongdoing by members of Congress. It remains unclear what specific allegations are being investigated in this case, but the subpoena suggests that the investigation is reaching a critical stage.

The House Sergeant at Arms is responsible for maintaining order and security in the House of Representatives. The office also investigates allegations of misconduct by House members and staff.
